painting of church
St. Mark Emporium Church

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

October 20, 2024

Gospel:     Mark 10:35-45 

When James and John brazenly demand of Jesus, “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you,”
they reverse the usual dynamics of the disciple/teacher relationship.
By acquiescing with “What do you wish me to do for you?” Jesus accepts the role reversal they placed on him.
By responding in this way, Jesus reveals another reversal:
glory is given not to those who seek to be “first among” others
but to those who choose to serve others by giving their lives for them.
Out of which reversal do we live? 

Inquiry Session


If you are 18 years or older, or know of someone who is seeking meaning in their life, 
there will be a gathering every Thursday evening at 6:30 pm in O'Connell Hall at St. Mark Church.

If you have questions like, " Can you help me be a better person?"
 or "Where is God?"  or "I want to find a safe place to belong,"

then join us for this session which will explore answers to these questions.

No religious affilication is required.
Refreshments will be served after the session.

For more information, please call Jen at 814-486-0784 or 814-335-4871.

         The Rosary will be prayed every weekday in October at 4:15 pm.      

Exception - Wednesday Rosary will be prayed at 6:30 pm during Holy Hour.


Confirmation now takes place for candidates when they are in 9th grade. 

The requirements to be confirmed are as follows: 

All previous sacraments, Baptism, Reconciliation, and First Holy Communion must have taken place. 

All Confirmation candidates must have completed two full years of EDGE program (grades 7 and 8). 

If you know of any possible upcoming Confirmation candidates that are in need of fulfilling these requirements,

please contact Jen Abriatis as soon as possible at 486-0784. 


Saturday, October 26th 4-6 PM 

at the NEW Chamber parking lot (Old Cabin Kitchen) 

St. Mark is accepting donations for this community event;
We have a donation table set up in the back of the church if you’d like to donate.
Also anyone who would like to help with a Catholic presence at Trunk Or Treat, please call Jen Abriatis (486-0784). 

St. James in 
Driftwood PA

St. James Catholic Church, Driftwood, PA has suspended Masses for the season until Spring of 2025.

We thank all those that attended services there this past year and look forward to seeing you all again
in April of 2025 when Masses will resume on Saturday evenings at 5:30 PM.

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