painting of church
St. Mark Emporium Church

32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

November 10, 2024

Gospel:    Mark 12:38-44 

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?
Jesus tells us when he contrasts the behavior of the self-important scribes and the rich
with the action of a poor and seemingly insignificant widow.
Without calculating the cost to herself, the widow gave “all she had.”
Disciples, too, give all they have without counting the cost, calculating self-gain, or seeking attention.
The “whole livelihood” disciples give is their very selves.

The second Sunday of every month is 

Cameron County Food Pantry Collection Sunday

Please bring a nonperishable food item and drop them in the designated location of the church.
If you would prefer a monetary donation, please place an envelope in the collection that is labeled “Food Bank”. 

Thank you so very much for your help to provide food to individuals and families of Cameron County.
Cameron County 
Community Food Pantry is a ministry provided by the Cameron County Ministerial Association. 



Turkey, mashed potatoes & drinks will be provided by Parish Council. 

In the spirit of being grateful and sharing the bounty, please bring a person in need or someone who lives alone, or who may not attend church. 

If you haven’t come before, it’s always a great time with great food! 

Invite a friend. Don’t miss getting together to share the banquet and thanking God for the harvest! 

All are welcome! 


Confirmation now takes place for candidates when they are in 9th grade. 

The requirements to be confirmed are as follows: 

All previous sacraments, Baptism, Reconciliation, and First Holy Communion must have taken place. 

All Confirmation candidates must have completed two full years of EDGE program (grades 7 and 8). 

If you know of any possible upcoming Confirmation candidates that are in need of fulfilling these requirements,

please contact Jen Abriatis as soon as possible at 486-0784. 

St. James in 
Driftwood PA

St. James Catholic Church, Driftwood, PA has suspended Masses for the season until Spring of 2025.

We thank all those that attended services there this past year and look forward to seeing you all again
in April of 2025 when Masses will resume on Saturday evenings at 5:30 PM.

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